Tuesday, November 26, 2019
HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay Example HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Essay Final -rest Review 2013 Fall 1 . All of the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs a. Low cost government loans. b. Expanded road and highway construction. c. Increased automobile production. d. The baby boom. 2. The mood of the Beat Generation is best reflected in which Jack Kerouacs On the Road. 3. The decade of the 1950s was characterized by women doing what? 4. All of the following were reasons why a consumer culture appeared in the 1950s a. The creation of credit cards and easy payment plans. b. An increased ability of advertisers to create demand for new products. c. The ppearance of new and varied products. d. Keeping up with the Jones. 5. The Soviet Unions launching of Sputnik in 1957 immediately led to The creation of NASA 6. In his farewell address in January 1961, President Eisenhower warned the American people against . Military industrial complex and deficit spending 7. The largest public works project during Eisenhowers presidency was . Eisenhower Highway System 8. Containment is to Truman as is to Eisenhower. Brinkmanship 9. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that a state law school have to admit qualified African American applicants even if parallel black aw schools existed? Sweat vs. Painter 10. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional? Brown vs. Board of Education 1 1 . Where was the March for Freedom in which state troopers and deputized citizens brutally attacked marchers in full view of television that helped lead to the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Selma, Alabama 12. In response to the arrest of Rosa Parks, African Americans did what? Boycotted riding the bus 13. Where was the location of a Woolworths lunch counter that sparked the sit-in movement for civil rights? Greensboro, NC/ A University 14. At first President Kennedy acted slowly on civil rights because? JFK didnt want to lose support from Southern Democrats 15. What was the Southern Manifest? a resolution signed by Congress condemning Brown vs. BOE ruling 16. In Little Rock, Arkansas, Governor Orval Faubus tried to prevent African American students from entering a white high school by deploying whom? Arkansas Natl Guard 17. The Kerner Commission blamed the majority of the inner-city problems on what? 18. Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal 19. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , believed the way to end segregation was through Peaceful Protest 20. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did little to guarantee what? Social equality/ integration 21. Until 1965, the civil rights movement focused on what? Integration of school and public places 22. After his pilgrimage to Makkah, Malcolm X concluded what? That segregation is not good for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party? Fannie Lou Hamer 24. As a result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, segregation was outlawed where? Nationally 25. Why is the Till case considered the birth of the Civil Rights movement? Because it motivated the young people to get involved 26. The Alliance for Progress, proposed by President Kennedy in 1961, can be most accurately called an added dimension of what FDR plan? Good Neighbor Policy 27. President Kennedys main goal in the United States 1962 decision to blockade Cuba was to what? : To get Soviets to surrender and/or move their nuclear weapons 28. What was JFKs policy calling for more conventional weapons to be used against Soviet aggression since nuclear weapons were to be used as a last response? Flexible Response 29. What became the symbol of the separation of the Free World from the Iron Curtain? Berlin Wall 30. The primary reason for the crushing Republican party defeat in 1964 was what? 1st televised debate, Nixon looked nervous (sweating) in comparison toa polished Kennedy 31 . Both the New Frontier and the Great Society shared the idea of what? 32. Supporters of the Warren Courts decisions in the 1960s believed that persons accused of crimes were entitled to what? 33. Johnsons Great Society, for all practical purposes, was put to end in 1968 because of what? His decision to not run for presidency and not accept DNC nomination 34. Which of the following events are in the correct order? McCarthy announces his candidacy, Tet Offensive, Johnson pulls out of race b. McCarthy announces his candidacy, RFK assassinated, Tet Offensive c. RFK assassinated, MLK assassinated, The Chicago Convention d. MLK assassinated, RFK assassinated, , McCarthy announces his candidacy e. None of the above 35. Who said the following: For it seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate? Walter Kronkite 36. Which president first got the U. S. involved in Vietnam? JFK 37. Whose political campaign was dubbed the Childrens Crusade? Eugene McCarthy 38. Escalation is to Johnson as is to Richard Nixon. 39. What effect did the Pentagon Papers have on the American public? 40. Which of the following is not a legacy of the Vietnam War? 41 . Nixons domestic policy included all of the following: a. More power to the state governments b. Increased police power to fight crime c. Reduced federal spending d. Appointing conservative Judges to federal courts 42. What was the Job of Nixons Plumbers? to take care or do away with anyone that was speaking out of turn against the Nixon Administration 43. President Nixons olicy of giving the states greater responsibility for controlling welfare and other government programs is called New Federalism 44. This term described the American economy in the mid 70s when business was not growing and inflation was rising out of control. Stagflation 45. What was the SALT I Agreement? Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, in theory well destroy some of our missiles you destroy some of yours 46. What did the American action during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 resulted in? 47. All of the following occurred during the presidency of Richard Nixon: a. The Watergate break-in and consequent hearings b. The resignation of the vice-president. visit d. The use of shuttle diplomacy to end Arab-Israeli conflicts 48. Gerald Fords main liability in the 1976 presidential election was . Nixon pardon? Watergate Scandal 49. What contributed to the Ayatollah Khomeinis hatred of the U. S.? 50. Which of the following is considered Carters most significant foreign policy accomplishment? Camp David Accord? (Israel and Egypt Peace Treaty); foreign policy/ human rights 51 . What led to Jimmy Carters success in the election of 1976? 52. What led to the U. S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow? 53. The most important element of the religious revival of the 1970s and 1980s was what? 54. The moral Majority attacked all the following a. Abortion rights b. Homosexuality c. Womens rights d. Secular humanist 55. What were economic goals of Reagan in the beginning of his presidency? 56. Which country did Reagan describe as the evil empire? The Soviet Union 57. President Reagan responded to the 1983 terrorist bombing of an American Marine barracks in Beirut by doing what? Retreating, U. S. troops pulled out of Beirut 58. The ne event that signaled the end of the Cold War more than any other was 59. What was President Reagans assessment of Gorbachev when they meet? He doesnt like him, and leaves the meeting 60. Some of the money from the American arms deal with Iran during the Reagan presidency was secretly funneled to . 61 . George Bushs 1988 presidential victory was the result of what? Promising no new taxes? 62. The Gulf War of 1991 had its origins in an Iraqi decision to annex Kuwait 63. In 1993, President Clinton secured from Congress all the following a. A significant reduction in government spending b. A free-trade agreement . A large tax increase on the wealthy 64. The budget impasse and shutting down the government in late 1995 and early 1996 saw the public largely blame whom? 65. The Muslim fundamentalist group that controlled Afghanistan was . Taliban? 66. The mastermind of the 9/11 plot was . Osama Bin Laden 67. Terrorist carried out their attacks on September 11, 2001, by . A1 Qaeda 68. What were the Americans searching for in Iraq that led to the invasion? 69. The 2000 election final was held up by which states votes? Florida 70. Who campaigned in the 2008 election promising hope and change? Barack Obama
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Printable Metric Conversion Quiz
Printable Metric Conversion Quiz Do you feel confident about your ability to make metric to metric unit conversions? Heres a quick little quiz you can take to test your knowledge. You can take the quiz online or print it out. You may wish to review metric conversions before taking this quiz. An online version of this quiz is available if you prefer to be scored as you take the quiz. TIP:To view this exercise without ads, click on print this page. There are ___ in 2000 mm?(a) 200 m(b) 2 m(c) 0.002 m(d) 0.02 mThere are ____ in 0.05 ml?(a) 0.00005 liters(b) 5 liters(c) 50 liters(d) 0.0005 liters30 mg is the same mass as:(a) 300 decigrams(b) 0.3 grams(c) 0.0003 kg(d) 0.03 gThere are ____ in 0.101 mm?(a) 1.01 cm(b) 0.0101 cm(c) 0.00101 cm(d) 10.10 cm20 m/s is the same as:(a) 0.02 km/s(b) 2000 mm/s(c) 200 cm/s(d) 0.002 mm/s30 microliters is the same as:(a) 30000000 liters(b) 30000 deciliters(c) 0.000003 liters(d) 0.03 milliliters20 grams is the same as:(a) 2000 mg(b) 20000 mg(c) 200000 mg(d) 200 mg15 km is:(a) 0.015 m(b) 1.5 m(c) 150 m(d) 15000 m30.4 cm is:(a) 0.304 mm(b) 3.04 mm(c) 304 mm(d) 3040 mmThere are ____ in 12.0 ml?(a) 0.12 l(b) 0.012 1(c) 120 l(d) 12000 l Answers:1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 a, 6 d, 7 b, 8 d, 9 c, 10 b
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Unemployment in Macroeconomic Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Unemployment in Macroeconomic Theory - Essay Example The farmer will not get the job of the mismatch skills. Another cause of structural unemployment is the geographical immobility. This is a situation where an individual is not able to move to another place for a job opportunity. He or she mays decided to remain jobless due to the fact that he or she cannot move to another geographical area even if a job is guaranteed. Some of the reasons behind are family’s issues or health issues. One can leave a job opportunity and remain close to the family. Change in technology can also cause structural unemployment. This is because some people are resistant to change. When new technology is introduced, they find it difficult to adapt to its use. Some are forced to quit their jobs due to the technology illiteracy. However, structural unemployment issue can solved if people accept to go for retraining if they want to be considered in re-employment. People searching for jobs should also accept to change their geographical locations if the jo b opportunity demands them to. Furthermore those who are working in technology driven companies should be able to adjust to the changes in technology. Another type of unemployment is the frictional unemployment. This type of unemployment occurs when one leaves the current and become unemployed when he or she is still looking for another job. Some can leave their jobs just to have time to relax themselves (Wessels, 93). The main cause of this type of unemployment is the movement of people between jobs, locations or careers. One of the cause of this unemployment is when someone is fresh from college and do not understand the labor markets. The graduate will be expecting to get a better paying job. During this time... The intention of this study is to provide comprehensive theoretic analysis of the issue of unemployment and also determines the ways of addressing this problem, in order to achieve high levels of economic development. There are many effects that are caused by unemployment, which can either be direct or indirect. Unemployment is situations where people who get job they are searching. These people do have any income. They have to look for other options that will help them get jobs. Unemployment can either be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary unemployment is where one renders himself or herself jobless knowingly. This is caused by many factors both economical and in the markets. Another type of unemployment is the structural unemployment. This is a type of unemployment where capital labor situations make people to be unemployed. These capital labor situations reduced labor demand. Structural unemployment always occurs when the new job vacancies mismatch with the skills that are available. Frictional unemployment occurs when one leaves the current and become unemployed when he or she is still looking for another job. Some can leave their jobs just to have time to relax themselves Cyclic unemployment is the most volatile type. It is caused by lack of goods and services demand. It is sometimes referred to as demand deficient unemployment because it is related to the economic capacity. It always occurs when GDP growth rate moves in moves in different direction with the rate of employment.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Exploratory Methods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exploratory Methods - Research Paper Example Exploratory research is also known as unstructured or informal form of research. This is generally done for conducting a background study of the research. The nature of the research keeps changing as the researcher uncovers the different aspects of the research area. In exploratory method of research no well-defined objective, sampling plan or questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. Generally secondary sources of data are concluded in this form of research (Parasuraman, Grewal & Krishnan, 2007, p. 57). The exploratory research method is applicable in: a) Gaining the information regarding the background of the study. It is used when the researcher has very little information about the problem and the problem statement of the research could not be appropriately formulated. It becomes necessary for the reader to develop a background analysis to see the larger picture of the situation, b) It is used to measure the terms and concepts to be used in the research, and c) The hypothesi s and the problem areas can be clarified through exploratory research (Burns, & Bush, 2007, p. 57). Case Study The intensive analysis of any individual unit is called case study. It mainly stresses the developmental factors in relation to the given context. It may be descriptive or exploratory. Case study is used in exploratory research to find the causes so as to find relevant answers for the stated principles. The case study may be prospective one or a retrospective one. The case is the subject, which is discussed on the basis of a particular organization, issue or problem. Case study is also denoted as research study as it gives us an empirical analysis of the phenomenon in real-life situations. Case study is generally formulated to answer the research questions. The research problem is first carefully formulated and then answers are found based on the research conducted by the researcher. The answers derived from the research is explained or interpreted by the researcher with th e help of a real-life situation. The theories used while deriving the solution are utilized and a case is formulated to present the practical problem situations and strategies that were used to solve them. The type of research question defines the type of case study to be formed. Case studies help to find the bottle necks and ways to reach the solutions. It also enables the researcher to monitor the changes. Psychobiography The term psychobiography means analyzing the importance of lives by using the psychological theories and conducting research. The aim of this type of research is to unearth the public motives behind a particular activity or behavior. Psychobiographical research does not involve any form of standardized format. It generally depends on the subject, the researcher and various other aspects. It is actually considered as a qualitative form of research technique. This method of conducting research is generally used for celebrities, outstanding personalities or leaders. Psychobiographical research provides an in-depth analysis to the researcher regarding the behavior of the person and the reason behind such behavior. This methodology was actually invented by Sigmund Freud. It deals with unfolding the personality and psychology of an individual. This method is use in form of qualitative research technique because it deals with human behavior, psychology and emotions. It is also used to explore
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hinduism Paper Essay Example for Free
Hinduism Paper Essay Hinduism began in India and is one of the oldest religions known to man and as such does not have a prominent founder that anyone can remember. In India, the land lying on the southern side of the Hindu-Kush Mountains was considered the land of the Hindus or Hindustan and the religion followed by the people there was known as Hinduism. It is a religion that is based upon Aryan settlers. The Hindu people believe that their religion has no beginning and no end. It consists of thousands of different religious groups that have evolved in India since 1500 BCE. Because of the wide variety of Hindu traditions, freedom of belief and practice are notable features of Hinduism. In Hinduism, Buddha is the last avatar of the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu. The word Buddha was not used to describe the last avatar of Vishnu, the description, time and place of his arrival is well chronicled in scriptures prior to the advent of the Buddha. Buddhism and Jainism are outside the Hindu tradition but are regarded as related religions. Hinduism is different than Christianity and other monotheistic religions in that it doesn’t have a single holy text that the people follow or a single system of morality and or a central religious authority. This individual freedom to meditate and act according to one’s own conscious seems to give the followers more personal responsibility in their own actions. By this I mean they are not consciously breaking rules set down by doctrine; when they feel they have done wrong, it is because their conscious is telling them they have done wrong. Hinduism has grown to become the worlds third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 950 million followers about 14% of the worlds population. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Hinduism provides a freedom of belief system based in meditation and peaceful resolution to one’s problems. This belief of and by itself is an extremely beneficial factor in aiding the people of India and other densely populated areas maintain an ordered and peaceful society. In many areas of India, resources such clean water and food are limited and sometimes scarce and in the struggle for such limited commodities, tensions may run high. The precepts of Hinduism help the people share and take what they need without hoarding. With the spread of Hinduism throughout the countries of India, Nepal and Sri Lanka there has been a positive impact on the people not only in the accepting the scarcity of basic needs but in the tolerance of others not of the Hindu faith. Hindus, unlike Catholics or most other religions do not believe in judging others but instead are focused on self-perfection; this focus, done correctly would make judgment of others counterproductive to their underlying goal. It is meditation that helps them find there center to calm and relax, resulting in a more holistic perspecti ve to their problems. These attributes of Hinduism help the culture to be more relaxed and tolerant providing a greater chance for success in their democracy. A significant negative aspect in the society which is not entirely caused by the religion, but is also not helped by the religion is the apparent denigration of women including high levels of domestic violence. The desire for liberation from earthly existence is a basic premise of Hinduism and involves the perfection of oneself while being true to one’s individualism. The freedom to express themselves this is one reason people practice Hinduism. The primary teaching of Hindu is self-realization in that the people don’t follow a certain book or person to tell them what to do. True liberation means liberation of the individual soul from the constant cycle of births and deaths. Hindus understand that perfection might involve multiple lives and reincarnations to get it right and become a perfected being. Liberation is known in Hinduism as mukti, kaivalya, moksha or nirvana. When your soul becomes aware of the true nature of understanding and transcends into the sky to gain freedom and become one with the divine. As one of the oldest of all religions Hinduism has stood the test of time; partly perhaps due to the lack of a founding father or the lack of a dogmatic scripture which often becomes dated and irrelevant over time. Hinduism puts the responsibility for correct behavior on the follower personally, we all know when we have done wrong, and Hindus must be shamed by themselves alone. The religion helps followers deal with incredible hardships when it comes to meeting the basic needs of their families and avoid wasting time on jealousy of others who have more. They are more tolerant of others while focusing on self-perfection to achieve their ultimate goal of Nirvana; while Hinduism may not be for everyone, all of us could benefit from accepting some of these precepts. Reference Page 1.http://www.religioustolerance.org/hinduism.htm 2.http://www.answers.com/topic/hinduism
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition :: Disgust
Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition The subject of John Keats "Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition" has to do with the opposition of religion and what people do to seek their "religious enlightenment". It seems more as if the theme is based on his personal dislike of religion and the things people do for religion. Keats suggestion that a preachers sermon tears you from "Fireside joys" and "Lydian airs" makes it seem as if the people in church do not want to be there, which is most likely not the case. He is trying to make his point about what he is speaking of by trying to make the reader agree with him. Which might work with some people, but as for me I already have a fixated belief about religion, one that will not change even if I read some writers perturbed opinions. Images are used very well by Keats to present his opinion or feelings about the subject. On lines two and three of "Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition" Keats says "calling the people to some other prayers, some other gloominess, more dreadful cares." This image of people flocking to prayers so that their heads can be filled with nonsense (dreadful cares) which they do not need is the initial bash on church by Keats. From these two lines, it is obvious right away that the writer is no too fond of religion and the morals it preaches. He apparently feels as if church is a bunch of superstitious people trying to implant these ideas into public minds about how to live their life. Before you even begin to read his poem it is obvious of his dislike for something by the title "Written in Disgust of Vulgar Superstition", you can not tell exactly what his dislike is for until you begin reading. Then the images on lines two and three make you start thinking that his "disgust of superstition" could be a disgust of religious superstition. I feel that it is those images that set the tone for the rest of the poem. "A chill as from a tomb". Those are pretty strong words to be used in opposition of religion.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
7 Proven Pieces of Entrepreneurship Advice for Students
7 Proven Pieces of Entrepreneurship Advice For Students and Interns Right now there are millions of college students sitting in a college class or a dorm room. They are not even realizing that the cost of the school they are at is going to eat away at their budget for years to come. As the student debt and tuition continue to mount, students also have a great deal of benefits that many others didn’t, and therefore these Millennials may be the world’s next biggest entrepreneurs. That’s where the following 7 pieces of entrepreneurship advice come into play. In a world where money makes the world go round, the reason why they are ripe for jumping into these grounds is that they end up working for or interning at tech companies. Many are interested in high tech jobs, but even larger numbers want to do something on their own, and be independent. Not everyone in college today wants that 9 to 5 job after they graduate. These millennials have some incredible ideas, that only get bigger as they go through their college life and gain experience thru internships. There is a lot of advice out there for the Millennials, but honestly, only a few things resonate with some proving grounds. Here are the 7 proven elements that students may want to learn right now which would help them with their entrepreneurship career.Meet New People and Network School is a proving ground where you can meet other people. Don’t let yourself stay in one place and not meet others. Network, talk to others, befriend people and get a mentor. You may find that the people you meet in college are going to stay with you for years, and could help you succeed down the line. The more you can communicate and stay in touch, the better your chances are for getting success after you graduate, as the real world is full of people that â€Å"know someone†, etc.The Opportunity Or The DegreeTake a note from big time basketball players, jump at the chances of a lifetime, don’t stay in school. This may not make your parents happy, but it’s something that you have to think about in the long term. Yes, you could fail in the big leagues, but what if you don’t? You can use your financial status to go back to school and get that degree later. You have an option to get a degree in your lifetime, but you don’t always have a chance at the majors, in tech, or in sports. If you get a once in a lifetime opportunity, take it, don’t sit in school. Degrees don’t mean success, they only prove to an employer that you can learn a particular subject and therefore, it helps, but you can get them when the time is right. Just remember that as entrepreneurship Advice.Eat With Others When You Can Building relationships is tough when you are not around people. Just like the tip above, take time to sit with others including your supervisor and talk to people. If you see someone sitting alone, go talk to them. Ask to sit with them, and just spark a conversation. This is going to be uncomfortable at first glance, but if you keep doing this, you’ll eventually talk to more and more people and you’ll build relationships and network far easier over time just like big companies.Don’t Fear FailureYou’re going to need to take a few risks in your life. That includes college etc. You don’t necessarily need to skip school and risk your life, but there are times when a questionable option could lead you down some great experiences. You may find that if you push the limits a little, you may very well see a great option moving forward for your career path.Look Around and Explore Your AreaDo not stay in one place. Travel as much as you can. If you don’t have a lot of money, that’s ok, travel around your campus, see every part of it, explore and keep going forward. Do not let yourself be isolated and stuck in one area. Learn to walk, learn to talk, and start to explore every nook and cranny of the buildings and offices that are around you. Your actions and attitude including nonverbal communication can have a great influence over your social environment, so be mindful. Also, be aware of your learning style, you will find that this can help you with dating, and networking alike. You will also find niches and hidden areas that you would otherwise not see.Ask Many QuestionsThe biggest thing that entrepreneurs do that others don’t is that they ask questions. You need to ask questions all the time. Whether you’re in class, or you’re in a meeting, if there is an option to ask questions ask them. Even if you know the answer, ask. This helps in two ways. The first is simple, you are going to be remembered. When your professor and those lecturing know your name, they are going to show you favor and will help you out more often than not. The second thing is that you’re going to be able to get clarification and even explore new avenues that others won’t. The more questions you ask, the better you are going to do in school, and in life. Ask questions that others don’t, and you’re going to find that you’ll get valuable answers, every single time.Become The Most Valuable Person (MVP)Whether you’re in an office setting, working with a team, or just trying to get through another class, become helpful. To become an entrepreneur means is to become a servant and understand how to cope with cultural challenges, for example understand British vs. US culture, if you are an international student. As an Entrepreneurship advice, look for ways to help your teacher, students, and even your school. The more you can help, the more you are going to be thought about, and that could lead to offers that others don’t get. Some individuals, for instance, may get called back from an internship to work full time. Others may get work study programs, or offered premium housing because they are helping with certain events, cleaning, and so much more. Your goal is to always be a valuable asset to anyone that is around you, so start in college and you’ll garner a great deal of attention down the line. As you can see, there are 7 major things that you can do as an intern or a student. These will help you gain the upper hand in whatever it is you want to pursue, and will help you succeed in life. Just don’t be stagnant, that’s the worst thing you can end up being whether you’re a student or chasing a career. Are you an entrepreneur at heart and need some inspiration, go ahead and read our site story? If you are worried that you need to survive the University, head over to our site and let our expert writers help you write a top class essay, on time and to the highest possible quality.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Lilian Kim Global II
Throughout the course of written history, people have made great changes that have made the society, government, and traditions what they are today. Even before written history, some individual made huge a revolution in the world by creating a writing system. People try hard to change and mold the world and many have come out positively, and others negatively. A great time of change and revolution in history is the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution. Some people who have had a great impact during this time were the Scientists Copernicus and Galileo, and the philosopher Locke. Before Copernicus's time people had agreed with Ptolemy's Geocentric Theory, that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun and everything else revolved around the earth. This also went with the church's teachings and the church was basically the law in that time, so they influenced and stressed that idea, and most people agreed and believed it. However Copernicus went against the church, the people, and the accepted law and said that the sun was the center of the universe and not the earth. He declared that the Sun was a solitary object while all the other planets including the earth rotated around the sun, called the Heliocentric Theory. This caused turmoil and confusion within the people with some still believing the old law and others siding with Copernicus. If Copernicus did not have the courage to stand out and speak against the church then who knows when we would've figured that out. Another scientist backing the Heliocentric Theory was Galileo, probably one of the most famous scientists of this time period, and was also a heretic. Not only did he help prove that the Theory was true, he also proved all of Aristotle's ancient theories wrong. The church had been teaching and believing these century old teachings Aristotle had made and it had been the law for decades. Yet Galileo came and proved every single theory wrong thus angering the church and he was taken to inquisition by the church and took back all that he said for his life, which was a little negative, but the fact that he had said it so people would know was good because then the people would know and more people would finish the studies that he started. A great philosopher of this time was Locke. He declared many things that still affect many nations today. He came up with three natural rights that he said were, life, liberty, and property. In the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, there are three rights that are unable to be taken away from you, which are, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although the one of the rights were changed, Locke's Philosophy still influenced it. Another nation that has taken his philosophies into account is France. However in their declaration, the rights are life, liberty, and resistance to oppression. He also stated that if the government takes one or more of these rights away from anyone, the people should rebel and abolish the unjust rulers /government, and create a new system that will preserve those rights. He also wrote two treatises on government in 1690. His ideas have affected the world's greatest nations and those nations have prospered during the time after him. These people, the scientists Copernicus and Galileo, and the philosopher Locke have made a huge impact on the world and what it has become today. Though these three had most positive effects, some great people did not have that result. Thanks to these three great men, the world is a more knowledgeable and prospering place to live.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
JFK2 essays
JFK2 essays On November 22, 1963, it was said that everything changed. This was the day that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The facts of the J.F.K. assassination will be assessed and the many different conspiracy theories will be explored and explained. How did one of the greatest and most influential Presidents of our time become assassinated, and why? Throughout this paper the facts will be brought to your attention and therefore you will be able to draw your own conclusions. By midday of November 22, 1963, the skies overlooking Dallas, Texas showed the threat of possible rain. This did not stop President Kennedy from greeting the crowds from his open limousine. To the left of the President in the rear seat was Mrs. Kennedy. In the driver seat was agent R. Greer of the Secret Service, next to him was agent Roy H. Kellerman. In the backseats were Governor Connally and Mrs. Connaly. Directly behind the Presidential limousine was a car with eight Secret Service Agents. Behind that car was the Vice Presidential car, carrying, the Vice-president, Lyndon Johnson and his wife Lady Bird. There were also several cars and busses for additional dignitaries, press Shortly after 11:50 a.m., the motor cade left from Love Field, and preceded through neighborhoods, and only stopping two times at J.F.K.s request to greet onlookers Each time the motor cade stopped, the Secret Service men stood near the President and Mrs. Kennedy to protect them. The motor cade then preceded down Houston Street and directly ahead on the intersections northwest corner a seven story, orange brick warehouse and office building, The Texas Schoolbook Depository. At a speed of 11 miles per hour, the Presidents motor cade descended gradually toward a railroad overpass, then reaching the Stemmons Freeway. The front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository was now on the Presid...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
General P.G.T. Beauregard in the Civil War
General P.G.T. Beauregard in the Civil War General P.G.T. Beauregard was a Confederate commander who played a central role in the opening months of the Civil War. A native of Louisiana, he saw service during the Mexican-American War and, in 1861, received command of Confederate forces in Charleston, SC. In this role, Beauregard directed the bombardment of Fort Sumter which opened hostilities between the Union and Confederacy. Three months later, he led Confederate troops to victory at the First Battle of Bull Run. In early 1862, Beauregard helped lead the Army of Mississippi at the Battle of Shiloh. He career stalled as the war progressed due to his poor relationship with the Confederate leadership. Early Life Born May 28, 1818, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard was the son of Jacques and Hà ©là ¨ne Judith Toutant-Beauregard. Raised on the familys St. Bernard Parish, LA plantation outside of New Orleans, Beauregard was one of seven children. He received his early education at series of private schools in the city and spoke only French during his formative years. Sent to a French school in New York City at age twelve, Beauregard finally began to learn English. Four years later, Beauregard elected to pursue a military career and obtained an appointment to West Point. A stellar student, the Little Creole as he was known, was classmates with Irvin McDowell, William J. Hardee, Edward Allegheny Johnson, and A.J. Smith and was taught the basics of artillery by Robert Anderson. Graduating in 1838, Beauregard ranked second his class and as a result of this academic performance received an assignment with the prestigious US Army Corps of Engineers. In Mexico With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846, Beauregard gained an opportunity to see combat. Landing in near Veracruz in March 1847, he served as an engineer for Major General Winfield Scott during the siege of the city. Beauregard continued in this role as the army commenced its march on Mexico City. At the Battle of Cerro Gordo in April, he correctly determined that the capture of La Atalaya hill would allow Scott to force the Mexicans from their position and aided in scouting routes into the enemy rear. As the army neared the Mexican capital, Beauregard undertook numerous dangerous reconnaissance missions and was brevetted to captain for his performance during the victories at Contreras and Churubusco. That September, he played a key role in crafting the American strategy for the Battle of Chapultepec. Battle of Chapultepec. Photograph Source: Public Domain In the course of the fighting, Beauregard sustained wounds in the shoulder and thigh. For this and being one of the first Americans to enter Mexico City, he received a brevet to major. Though Beauregard compiled a distinguished record in Mexico, he felt slighted as he believed that other engineers, including Captain Robert E. Lee, received greater recognition. Fast Facts: General P.G.T. Beauregard Rank: GeneralService: US Army, Confederate ArmyBorn: May 28, 1818 in St. Bernard Parish, LADied: February 20, 1893 in New Orleans, LANickname: Little Frenchman, Little Napoleon, Little CreoleParents: Jacques and Hà ©là ¨ne Judith Toutant-BeauregardSpouse: Marie Laure Villerà ©Conflicts: Mexican-American War, Civil WarKnown For: Battle of Fort Sumter, First Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Shiloh, and the Battle of Petersburg Inter-War Years Returning to the United States in 1848, Beauregard received an assignment to oversee the construction and repair of defenses along the Gulf Coast. This included improvements to Forts Jackson and St. Philip outside of New Orleans. Beauregard also endeavored to enhance navigation along the Mississippi River. This saw him direct extensive work at the rivers mouth to open shipping channels and remove sand bars. During the course of this project, Beauregard invented and patented a device dubbed a self-acting bar excavator which would be attached to ships to aid in clearing sand and clay bars. Actively campaigning for Franklin Pierce, whom he had met in Mexico, Beauregard was rewarded for his support after the 1852 election. The following year, Pierce appointed him superintending engineer of the New Orleans Federal Customs House. In this role, Beauregard helped stabilize the structure as it was sinking into the citys moist soil. Increasingly bored with the peacetime military, he considered departing to join filibuster William Walkers forces in Nicaragua in 1856. Electing to stay in Louisiana, two years later Beauregard ran for mayor of New Orleans as a reform candidate. In a tight race, he was defeated by Gerald Stith of the Know Nothing (American) Party. The Civil War Begins Seeking a new post, Beauregard received aid from his brother-in-law, Senator John Slidell, in obtaining an assignment as the superintendent of West Point on January 23, 1861. This was revoked a few days later following Louisianas secession from the Union on January 26. Though he favored the South, Beauregard was angered that he was not given a chance to prove his loyalty to the US Army. Leaving New York, he returned to Louisiana with the hope of receiving command of the states military. He was disappointed in this endeavor when overall command went to Braxton Bragg. Turning down a colonels commission from Bragg, Beauregard schemed with Slidell and newly-elected President Jefferson Davis for a high post in the new Confederate Army. These efforts bore fruit when he was commissioned a brigadier general on March 1, 1861, becoming the Confederate Armys first general officer. In the wake of this, Davis ordered him to oversee the escalating situation at Charleston, SC where Union troops refused to abandon Fort Sumter. Arriving on March 3, he readied Confederate forces around the harbor while attempting to negotiate with the forts commander, his former instructor Major Robert Anderson. Fort Sumter after its capture by the Confederates. Photograph Courtesy of the National Archives Records Administration Battle of First Bull Run On orders from Davis, Beauregard opened the Civil War on April 12 when his batteries began the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Following the forts surrender two days later, Beauregard was hailed as a hero across the Confederacy. Ordered to Richmond, Beauregard received command of Confederate forces in northern Virginia. Here he was tasked with working with General Joseph E. Johnston, who oversaw Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley, in blocking a Union advance into Virginia. Assuming this post, he began the first in a series of squabbles with Davis over strategy. On July 21, 1861, Union Brigadier General Irvin McDowell, advanced against Beauregards position. Using the Manassas Gap Railroad, the Confederates were able to shift Johnstons men east to aid Beauregard. In the resulting First Battle of Bull Run, Confederate forces were able to win a victory and rout McDowells army. Though Johnston made many of the key decisions in the battle, Beauregard received much of the acclaim for the victory. For the triumph, he was promoted to general, junior only to Samuel Cooper, Albert S. Johnston, Robert E. Lee, and Joseph Johnston. Sent West In the months after First Bull Run, Beauregard assisted in developing the Confederate Battle Flag to aid in recognizing friendly troops on the battlefield. Entering winter quarters, Beauregard vocally called for an invasion of Maryland and clashed with Davis. After a transfer request to New Orleans was refused, he was dispatched west to serve as A.S. Johnstons second-in-command in the Army of Mississippi. In this role, he took part in the Battle of Shiloh on April 6-7, 1862. Attacking Major General Ulysses S. Grants army, Confederate troops drove back the enemy on the first day. General Albert S. Johnston. Library of Congress In the fighting, Johnston was mortally wounded and command fell to Beauregard. With Union forces pinned against the Tennessee River that evening, he controversially ended the Confederate assault with the intention renewing the battle in the morning. Through the night, Grant was reinforced by the arrival of Major General Don Carlos Buells Army of the Ohio. Counterattacking in the morning, Grant routed Beauregards army. Later that month and into May, Beauregard squared off against Union troops at the Siege of Corinth, MS. Forced to abandon the town without a fight, he went on medical leave without permission. Already angered by Beauregards performance at Corinth, Davis used this incident to replace him with Bragg in mid-June. Despite efforts to regain his command, Beauregard was sent to Charleston to oversee the coastal defenses of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. In this role, he blunted Union efforts against Charleston through 1863. These included ironclad attacks by the US Navy as well as Union troops operating on Morris and James Islands. While in this assignment, he continued to annoy Davis with numerous recommendations for Confederate war strategy as well as devised a plan for a peace conference with the governors of the western Union states. He also learned that his wife, Marie Laure Villerà ©, died on March 2, 1864. Virginia Later Commands The following month, he received orders to take command of Confederate forces south of Richmond. In this role, he resisted pressure to transfer parts of his command north to reinforce Lee. Beauregard also performed well in blocking Major General Benjamin Butlers Bermuda Hundred Campaign. As Grant forced Lee south, Beauregard was one of the few Confederate leaders to recognize the importance of Petersburg. Anticipating Grants attack on the city, he mounted a tenacious defense using a scratch force beginning on June 15. His efforts saved Petersburg and opened the way for the siege of the city. As the siege began, the prickly Beauregard fell out with Lee and ultimately was given command of the Department of the West. Largely an administrative post, he oversaw the armies of Lieutenant Generals John Bell Hood and Richard Taylor. Lacking manpower to block Major General William T. Shermans March to the Sea, he was also forced to watch Hood wreck his army during the Franklin-Nashville Campaign. The following spring, he was relieved by Joseph Johnston for medical reasons and assigned to Richmond. In the final days of the conflict, he traveled south and recommended that Johnston surrender to Sherman. Later Life In the years after the war, Beauregard worked in the railroad industry while living in New Orleans. Beginning in 1877, he also served for fifteen years as a supervisor of the Louisiana Lottery. Beauregard died on February 20, 1893, and was buried in the Army of Tennessee vault at New Orleans Metairie Cemetery.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A Time of Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Time of Reflection - Essay Example Military tension was culpable between the two world powers, and they even engaged in proxy wars as they tried to outdo each other. The tension created by the Cold war affected day to day lives of Americans. Between 1946 and 1964, it is estimated that some 20 million babies were born in the US. This is the generation that grew up during the tension filled years of the Cold War. It is also the generation that witnessed the Civil Movement. I am a proud member of this generation which is commonly referred to as the Baby Boomers. I grew up during a time when the politics of the United States seemed almost uncertain. There was the ever threatening return-to-war feeling among the general populace. The never-ending tug-of-war between the US and USSR created a fear among citizens. This generated into a phenomenon that came to be known as Duck and Cover as people were afraid that the enemy (that is, the USSR) would drop a nuclear bomb on any part of the country and we had to be ready to duck a nd find cover if and when that happened. This kind of tension was particularly unnerving for the young generation born after the war. I think the older generations were able to deal with the situation since they had experienced the Second World War and were used to such tension. In my understanding at that time, they were too afraid to speak out of the effects that war was having on the common citizens. But I was not. I felt that it was my right to speak out what I thought should be spoken out. If I thought that something was wrong and it needed to be corrected I was bold enough to say it. My outspokenness was a behavior I had picked up from my grandmother since when I was a child. The Civil Rights Movement In 1961 I joined college and like many other young people at the time, I had great expectations for my future. I knew I wanted a good life for myself and I understood that a college education would at least guarantee me a good job with good pay, of course. The 60s were tumultuous years, especially in regards to the Civil rights Movements and the conflicts that came with it. I had heard stories told of how Rosa Parks had defied the high and mighty to secure herself a seat in bus seat that was reserved for whites only. I grew up admiring her courage to face up to people whom she knew could do anything to her if they wanted to. The first time I heard her story, I went home and during dinner asked my mother why people hated parks so much that they did not want her to sit in a set that she had paid for in a bus. My mother tried to explain that people did not hate her, that it was just that people like her could only seat at a designated place in the bus. I was too young to understand the concept of discrimination, but something at the back of my head told me that the treatment Rosa Parks had received was not fare. I think that was the first time I really was able to develop an anti-status quo attitude which I would carry on later into my adulthood. We had an Afr ican housekeeper at home whose son, Jeremy was more or less the same age as me. We were quite good friends and even though we attended different schools (I was in an all-white school while he was in an all black one), we did our school work together. I found him to be brighter than some of the students at my own school. He practically taught me everything I needed to know in all my science subjects. After high school we both went to different colleges but we remained good friends until he
Friday, November 1, 2019
South China Sea and the possible construct of a multi-national joint Research Paper
South China Sea and the possible construct of a multi-national joint force command - Research Paper Example The study was undertaken through a qualitative analysis approach. The analysis was aimed at answering the question will multi-national joint force enable global unity? If so, what ways can we use to undertake the process. Information from previous sources concerning the same issue was used to come up with constructive details to answer this question. The independent variables identified were the multi-national force whereas global development depended on the national relationships between different countries in order for peace and harmony to prevail. Scholarly articles by distinguished researchers on the area were thoroughly relied on to bring out a clear picture. The study will aim at identifying the relationship between the multi-national joint force and its impact on the future stability on the world’s economy and security. The results that will be obtained will be useful in making amendments to daily decision in regard to the future prediction. Another objective of the study will be recognizing the factors in organizing the multi-national joint force to ensure that the interests of the affected countries are considered. The results that will be obtained will be used to ensure that necessary amendments are put into place for the equity of all parties involved. The hypothesis developed suggests that there exists a significant relationship between multi-national partnership between different countries and the stability of the future world’s economy and security. Due to the increasing and high probability that tension will continue in the South China Sea region, there is need to determine the impact of constructing a multinational national joint force structure on the world’s future stability. United States’ engagement in military, economic and social involvement with the pacific region has a positive impact. Various researches have been conducted to identify the
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