Sunday, May 24, 2020
Definition and Examples of Relative Pronouns in English
In English grammar, a relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces an adjective clause (also called a relative clause). The standard relative pronouns in English are which, that, who, whom, and whose. Who and whom refer only to people. Which refers to things, qualities, and ideasâ€â€never to people. That and whose refer to people, things, qualities, and ideas. Examples and Observations One of the smaller girls did a kind of puppet dance while her fellow clowns laughed at her. But the tall one, who was almost a woman, said something very quietly, which I couldnt hear. (Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969)Spaghetti at her table, which was offered at least three times a week, was a mysterious red, white, and brown concoction. (Maya Angelou, Mom Me Mom, 2013)Wilbur was what farmers call a spring pig, which simply means that he was born in springtime.(E.B. White, Charlottes Web, 1952)On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily lying down. (Woody Allen, The Early Essays. Without Feathers, 1975)An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.(attributed to John Buchan)[T]o hurt innocent people whom I knew many years ago in order to save myself is, to me, inhuman and indecent and dishonorable. I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this years fashions.(Lillian Hellman, letter to the chair of the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, May 19, 1952)He was a Frenchman, a melancholy-looking man. He had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in lifes gas-pipe with a lighted candle; of one whom the clenched fist of Fate has smitten beneath the temperamental third waistcoat-button.(P. G. Wodehouse, The Man Who Disliked Cats)The people who had it hardest during the first few months were young couples, many of whom had married just before the evacuation began, in order not to be separated and sent to different camps. . . . All they had to use for room dividers were those army blankets, two of which were barely enough to keep one person warm. They argued over whose blanket should be sacrificed and later argued about noise at night.(Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston, Farewell to Manzanar, 1973)In the office in which I work there are five people of whom I am afraid.(Joseph Heller, Something Happened, 1974)Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Moms. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.(Nelson Algren, quoted in Newsweek, July 2, 1956)Franz Ferdinand would have gone from Sarajevo untouched had it not been for the actions of his staff, who by blunder after blunder contrived that his car should be slowed down and that he should be presented as a stationary target in front of Princip, the one conspirator of real and mature deliberation, who had finished his cup of coffee and was walking back through the streets, aghast at the failure of himself and his friends, which would expose the country to terrible punishment without having inflicted any loss on authority.(Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia. Viking, 1941) That and Which in American English Interestingly enough, American usage manuals and US editorial practice for almost a century now have been based on the fiction that a clear functional separation between that and which should existâ€â€which is either an interesting case of a collective illusion taking hold among educated members of a speech community or a modern-day revival of the 18th-century impulse to bring natural language into line with logic and thus remove its perceived defects. Whatever its motivation, prescriptive teaching, in this case, has not been without effect: a comparison between British and American databases . . . shows restrictive which to be seriously under-represented in American English in comparison to British English.(Geoffrey Leech, Marianne Hundt, Christian Mair, and Nicholas Smith, Change in Contemporary English: A Grammatical Study. Cambridge University Press, 2012) Who, Which, That, and the Zero Relativizer Three relative pronouns stand out as being particularly common in English: who, which, and that. The zero relativizer [or dropped relative pronoun] is also relatively common. However, . . . the relative pronouns are used in very different ways across registers. For example: In general, the relative pronouns that begin with the letters wh- are considered to be more literate. In contrast, the pronoun that and the zero relativizer have a more colloquial flavor and are preferred in conversation.(Douglas Biber, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech, Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Pearson, 2002) That and zero are the preferred choices in conversation, although relative clauses are generally rare in that register.Fiction is similar to conversation in its preference for that.In contrast, news shows a much stronger preference for which and who, and academic prose strongly prefers which.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
College Athletes Should Be Paid - 1323 Words
College Athletes Should Be Paid College sports is a multi-billion dollar industry. Each year thousands of high school students are recruited to play college sports, but under strict conditions. Students are required to do well in athletics while keeping up with their academics. College athletes spend up to forty five hours per week on practices, training, and games. In addition, they spend roughly forty hours on their academics. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletics Association) does not think it is necessary to pay these athletes because they want to maintain the â€Å"amateur sport†status. According to Stanley Eitzen in his â€Å"College Athletes should be Paid, â€Å"The universities and the NCAA claim their athletes in big-time sports programs†¦show more content†¦Their fellow sports personnel gets to indulge in this gargantuan amount of money made off them, while they do not even get a minuscule percent of it. According to Stanley Eitzen, in his article â₠¬Å"College Athletes Should be Paid,†in the year 2000, some football coaches were paid a minimum of 1,000,000 dollars in compensation. Considering this staggering figure, it is almost impossible to fathom why athletes are not being compensated something, out of all the money they generate. As a result of this deprivation of financial support, some athletes end up violating school policies. There were reports of athletes who have accepted improper benefits from coaches, fans and â€Å"boosters.†According to Dan Wetzel, in his article â€Å"Chris Webber deserves apology from Michigan, NCAA for disassociation treatment,†Former Michigan State basketball player Chris Webber, accepted money from â€Å"team booster†Ed Martin which resulted in a â€Å"humiliating 10 year disassociation penalty.†There have even been instances when athletes sold their jerseys and championship rings. These incidents resulted in suspension and expulsion of student athletes and the firing of coaches. Most, if not all of these cases, could have been prevented if universities have stepped in, and provided the financial help their athletes needed. Finally, some of these college sports (such as football) are high contact and immensely vicious, which can cause injuries such asShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid?1578 Words  | 7 PagesAshay Mehta Nou Per 8 Should College Athletes Be Paid? One of the hottest debates in the sports industry is if college athletes should be paid. If you want to pay these athletes, how would the college determine the dollar amount that should be paid? Should the basketball team make more than the football team? Should the the soccer team be paid as well? Cheerleading? Chess team? Should everyone on the team get a salary? What if your college is good at football and your basketball team is awfulRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1398 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieve that college athletes at the highest performing schools are better treated than others. Although they do not get paid, they do receive some benefits for being athletes that other students would not get. One advantage for playing a sport is access to scholarships that some schools reserve for their athletes. Depending on the school and the athlete’s performance, money towards tuition is often given. Only some schools are willing to grant â€Å"full-ride†scholar ships for certain athletes. AccordingRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1289 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the years college sports have been about the love of the game, filled with adrenaline moments. However, the following question still remains: Should college athletes get paid to play sports in college? Seemingly, this debate has been endless, yet the questions have gone unanswered. The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) plays a vital role in this debate. The NCAA is a billion dollar industry, but yet sees that the athlete should get paid for their hard work and dedicationRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1334 Words  | 6 Pagesrising to the surface is â€Å"Should college athletes be paid?†. This has become a burning question. The NCAA is a multibillion-dollar industry, that makes millions, if not billions, in revenue. Yet it’s still maintains the non-profit status meaning that the industry is not set on making a profit and none of the revenue that is made is distributed to its members, managers, or officers. While most players who play in college sports are under a scholarship, that pays for the college tuition, books, and housingRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1364 Words  | 6 PagesHave you paid attention to all of the news that has been surfacing about collegiate sports lately? It is a big topic now days in the world of sports on weather college athletes should be getting paid to play sports. College athletics have gained great popularity of the past few decades, and have brought schools lots of revenue. A lot of college athletes think they should be getting paid for their services they do for their school. College sports like basketball and football generate over six billionRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1130 Words  | 5 PagesWhat college athlete would not want to be paid to play the sport that he or she loves? The real question is, though, should college athletes be paid fo r their roles in a college’s athletics? They are many points to each side of this recent controversial topic, which is why this has been made into such a hot debate in the past couple of years. As of right now, these athletes are not getting paid, but many of them truly believe that they should. Others believe that they already are being paid throughRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?986 Words  | 4 PagesPaying the College Athlete The college athlete has steadily grown in popularity in the United States over the span of the past decades. Monetarily speaking, this increased publicity has been extremely beneficial for National Athletic Association (NCAA) and all the colleges involved in athletics which has sparked the dispute of whether or not the athlete should be paid for their hard work and dedication on the field and to their school or if the athletic scholarship is more than enough. College athletesRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1239 Words  | 5 PagesLindsey Simmerman Speech 102 T/Th 1:00-2:15 October 25, 2016 Should college athletes be paid to play? Specific Purpose: To persuade the class to agree with my stance on paying college athletes to play sports Thesis: College football is the hours players spend practicing and performing, the number of injuries the players face, and the persona these athletes must portray every day all the while watching their schools, coaches, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) get all the compensationRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1254 Words  | 6 PagesSome college athletic departments are as wealthy as professional sports teams. The NCAA has an average annual revenue of $10.6 billion dollars. College athletes should be paid because of the amount of revenue that they bring to their college. Each individual college should pay its athletes based on how much revenue they bring to the college in which they attend. The colleges that win their Division title, their Conference title, or the National championship, give bonuses to the Head coach of thatRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1558 Words  | 7 Pagesstudent-athletes participate in a variety of different s ports, and currently they do not receive paychecks for their performances. College athletics have attained an extensive popularity increase among Americans over the past few decades. This has resulted into increased revenues for the National Collegiate Athletic Association [NCAA] and the participating colleges, which has fuelled the debate of whether or not college athletes should collect an income. College athletes should not be paid to play
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hierarchical Team Free Essays
A hierarchical team is a type of team organization structure in which the team is divided into hierarchies and there are many middle management (Mohr 1982). There is an overall manager of the team who is place at the top of the hierarchy. This manager is responsible for leading or controlling the managers in each hierarchy to make sure that the team’s objectives are met as well as the overall objectives of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Hierarchical Team or any similar topic only for you Order Now The manager works with the middle managers to make sure that the team is ran smoothly and that the organizational goals are being achieved by the team. There is a manager in each hierarchy who is called a middle manager who is in charge of their own department. This helps the department to be independent and therefore is able to deal with their own problems in their department without bothering what the other departments are doing. The manager who is in charge of this department is leads the department towards achieving team goals (Heckscher and Donnellon 1994). The manager is responsible of the whole department at large and in making sure that the team’s objectives are being achieved as well as the overall objectives of the organization. The middle managers communicate their progress to the overall team manager who is able to evaluate performance and decide if the team is achieving the intended objectives as well as the overall objectives of the organization. Because in hierarchical teams the team is divided into hierarchies (Robbins and Judge 2007), the team is able to run smoothly because each department has its own jobs which are allocated to it and the department are able to undertake their jobs independently. This helps in making sure that the department or rather the hierarchy undertakes their work perfectly as they are responsible for themselves and can not blame any other department or hierarchy in case they do not deliver. This makes each department to work hard to achieve their target so as not to be blamed in case the team fails to achieve the intended objectives as well as organizational objectives. The team members are able to interact as they work and therefore (Thareja 2007), are able to combine their skills and achieve the organizational goals easily. The structure below shows how a hierarchical team looks like. A team in an organization is very important as it helps the people in an organization to work as team in order to achieve organizational goals. People are also able to work in a friendly environment and therefore, they are able to create a good working environment as well as a more relaxed environment. When people work when they are relaxed, they are able to deliver better than those people who work under any tension (Thareja 2007). Therefore, people in the hierarchical team are able to deliver well than those people that are working individually because; the people in the hierarchical team are able to interact as they perform their duties. Advantages of hierarchical team 1.Division of work- each hierarchy within the hierarchical team is allocated certain jobs to undertake, therefore, they are able to undertake the tasks (Lim and Sambrook 2010) because that is what they are good at and therefore are able to deliver the best. 2.Flexibility- within a team, there are people who are able to perform more than one tasks. Therefore, in case someone is absent in a department, another person is able to perform their duties and therefore, work is able to continue smoothly without much problem. 3.The hierarchies within the team are able to share ideas. This will help in making sure that the organizational goals are met. 4.Because the departments are independent, they are able to make their own decisions which is best for them and which will help them achieve the team’s goals as well as organizational goals. 5.Even though the whole hierarchy is a team, each department is allocated their particular job, makes the department to feel the ownership of a success (Pugh 1990). For example, if a department in a team is allocated the work of advertisement, the hierarchy will feel good if there is an increased sale. 6.Working as a team even though in a hierarchy boosts the morale of the workers. This is because, they are able to interact as they work, and the work is shared amongst the hierarchies. 7.Because the team is organized in an hierarchical manner, leadership is shared in that, a middle manager is allocated for each department (Thareja 2007), this helps in smooth running of the team and that, not just one person who is responsible for the team but several people according to the number of hierarchies in that team. 8.The team is able to deliver better products because they are comprised of a mixture of people with different talents and therefore, these talents can be used to achieve organizational goals. Disadvantages 1.Work can be divided unfairly amongst the departments. The work that the whole team is supposed to undertake may be divided unfairly amongst the departments or the hierarchies (Amaral and Uzzi 2007). This therefore means that some hierarchies or departments may be allocated more jobs than the others thus making them work more than the other departments. 2.Arguments amongst the departments may rise. In case the team’s objectives are not met, the departments may start blaming one another and thus result to arguments and even destroyed relationships in the organization. 3.Because each department is able to make their own decision, coordination of that team may be difficult as the departments work independently. 4.Because the hierarchical team focus more on working as a team rather than an individual, some talents and skills of some workers may become stagnant because they may not be needed or used in the team (Burns and Stalker 1961). 5.Poor communication because, communication is vertical in that, the top manager in the hierarchy has to communicate through the hierarchies while the manager at the bottom of the hierarchy has to reach the top manager vertically. 6.If one department fails to perform its tasks, it may lead to the failure of the whole team in that the whole team may not be able to achieve its goals. How to cite Hierarchical Team, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay Example For Students
Harriet Beecher Stowe Essay Harriet Beecher Stowe was a highclass women, reformer, and writer in the 1800s. Shewrote many anti-slavery documents that helped reformsociety. You may know her as the writer of Uncle TomsCabin, the best-selling book in the 1800s about how badslavery was. Because of the encouragement if her husband,Calvin E. Stowe, she became one of the most famouswriters, reformers, and abolitionist women of the 1800s. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher Stowe was born on June 14,1811, in Linchfeild, Connecticut. Her father, ReverendLyman Beecher, raised her in a strong, religious, abolitionistenvironment. She was also very well educated. In 1832,she moved to Cincinnati with her father. There she learnedabout slavery that was taking place in the state underneathher. In 1836, she married Calvin E. Stowe, a collageprofessor who encouraged her writing, that was soon tomake her one of the famous women in American history. Afew years later she moved to Maine because her husbandwas excepted into a college as a professor. HarrietBeecher Stowe is well known for her well writtenanti-slavery document, Uncle Toms Cabin. Uncle TomsCabin is one of Harriets Most potent pieces of writing. Itwas also the 1800s best selling book. She may also beknown for her other, not so famous, anti-slaverydocuments known as the following: Dread: the Tale of theGreat Dismissal Swamp, The Ministers Wooing, The Pearlof Orrs Island, and The O ldtown Folks. These books maynot have been her best pieces of anti-slavery writing, but itstill helped influenced many people into going againstslavery and trying to stop it. Harriet Beecher Stowe may besignificant because she wrote Uncle Toms Cabin, but sheis significant in other ways. Back during the time of slaveryno one would listen to what an African American wouldhave to say, let alone an African American slave. It wasvery odd in that time to be a rich, high class woman and notown a slave. But, because of the encouragement of herhusband, and the way she was raised as a child she wasagainst slavery, and she tried to reform society. By herwriting ability and knowledge of slavery she wroteanti-slavery documents that almost every northerner read. The pieces of work influenced many people. A lot ofpeople would try to stop slavery, just as Harriet would. IfHarriet Beecher Stowe wouldnt have written her storiespeople probably wouldnt have been as influenced, andsociety today wouldnt be the same. Harriet BeecherStowe was one of the most famous abolitionist woman ofthe 1800s. She was a high-class women who greatlyinfluenced people in her writing on anti-slavery. She wrotemany other anti-slavery documents that influenced manypeople into becoming abolitionist and reformers of society. Her husband and father were a great influence on herwriting. Harriet Beecher Stowe is well known for hermasterpiece, Uncle Toms Cabin which was the best sellingbook of the 1800s.
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